2010 WOR Country Champions: Middle East/Africa Region

Agricultural Materials Co. (MIQDADI)
While reasons for taking care to protect the environment from the products it carries should be important to any agrochemical retailer anywhere in the world, it is especially apparent in the Middle East, where agricultural often relies on modern inputs to survive. “We in Jordan have limited water, and our environment needs all the support and protection it can receive,” says facility manager Khalil K. Miqdadi. “Our vision is to provide the customer with the highest-quality products that provide high-quality results, and are safe to the environment in which they are used.”

This desire to make sure it carries only high-quality products has spurred Agricultural Materials Co. (MIQDADI), or Agrimatco, to spread information about the potential dangers of illegal or low-quality goods. The company has undertaken “heavy campaigns and seminars to show the health, environment and efficacy problems related to low quality or illegal products, as well as the monetary loss that may happen as a result of using them,” says Miqdadi.


In addition to educating the community about counterfeit products, Agrimatco also offers community services such as charity donations and projects.

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