Big Data 2014: To Protect And Preserve

Back in August, at the pinnacle of the summer farm show season, a group of precision ag specialists, educators and even a few advanced growers descended upon Iowa State University in Ames, IA, where PrecisionAg magazine (FCI’s sister publication) hosted our first-ever “Big Data: Managing Your Most Elusive Farm Asset” workshop.

With a day filled with presentations on topics ranging from Understanding the Value of Data to The State Of Data Standards In Agriculture, the inaugural event pretty much proved itself worthy of attendees’ time and effort in making the trek out for the event.

And while all of the presenters had intriguing messages for audience members, one of the more enlightening presentations from that August day in Ames was Oklahoma State University professor Dr. Shannon Ferrell’s talk on maintaining data privacy standards in a today’s world of automated data transfer.

Read the full article here.