Colombia: Ag-Chem Sale Controls Up

The Institute of Colombian Agriculture (ICA), Colombia’s regulatory authority, is preparing to lead a major campaign on choosing proper pesticides and on their safe use. The rising use of pesticides on the tropical fruit has led to reports of human health issues in naranjilla farming areas.

ICA carried out an inquiry into pesticide use on the crop over the past two months. Illegal, out-of-date, and unauthorized products were found. The indiscriminate use of the products has presents environmental hazards, increased production costs, pest resistance, and the risk of contaminating sprayed crops, according to ICA.


The group plans to promote products that are registered for use on rice, soybeans, and sorghum against pests such as thrips and fruit borers (Neoleucinodes elegantis), as well as diseases such as Botrytis spp. and damping off. The main regions subject to the campaign are Garzon and Gigante, where 350 hectares (Ha) are planted to the crop.

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