Agriculture’s European Front

For several weeks last fall I spent much of my time traveling across Europe, visiting with many of the representatives from the major players in the world’s crop protection/seed business, writes Eric Sfiligoj on

It was very refreshing to discover what many of these companies are up to now that the wave of industry consolidation that began in 2016 is finally subsiding. It was also great to hear from these global entities regarding their business plans for agriculture globally in such far-reaching places as Asia, the Middle East, the Pacific Region, and the Americas.


And then there’s Europe.

Considering that all of these companies are based in Europe, it was a little odd to not hear much about market plans for this continent. But I quickly realized why once I heard more from the company representatives.

“I’m very concerned for future innovation for agriculture in Europe,” BASF’s Markus Heldt said. “In Europe there’s a clear mistrust of science, and it’s not improving.”

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