Top 10 U.S. Ag Retailers With the Most Grain Elevator Revenue

Full disclosure: CropLife magazine does not include grain elevator revenue when compiling its annual list of the top 100 largest ag retailers in the U.S., better known as the CropLife 100. If we did, the rankings would look a whole lot different. Instead, we only use sales figures from two areas that have traditionally been our editorial sweet spot: crop inputs (fertilizer, crop protection products, and seed) and services (custom-application).

That’s not to say we don’t ask CropLife 100 survey recipients to provide us with grain sales information. We do. And it’s become a valuable part of truly understanding each company’s entire revenue profile — and the added challenges and opportunities that come along with it.

According to a report from CoBank, grain elevators will face significant challenges in the year ahead as they buy basis on corn, soybeans, and wheat at the highest levels seen in years. Basis for all three of the major grains is significantly tighter across the country from strong end-user bids, limited pipeline supplies, and lack of farmer selling amid an uncertain fall harvest.

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