粮农组织:到 2019 年食品价格将上涨 40%

PARIS — According to the 经合组织-粮农组织农业展望 2010-2019,食品价格可能上涨 40%,原因是新兴市场的需求不断增长,能源相关投入的预期成本更高,以及生物燃料产量增加。由经济合作组织和
发展 (经合组织) 和联合国 (联合国) 粮食及农业组织 (粮农组织),该报告涵盖了 2010 年至 2019 年的生物燃料、谷物、油籽、糖、肉类和乳制品。

报告预计小麦和粗粮平均价格从 15% 上涨至 40%;植物油实际价格比40%高;乳制品价格平均上涨 16%-45%。用于生产乙醇和生物柴油(植物油、粗粮、玉米、甜菜、小麦和甘蔗)的农产品预计将强劲增长。

However, global agriculture output is forecast to meet the 70% increase in world food production that will be required to feed the estimated population of 9 billion people in 2050. Growth is expected to be led by Eastern Europe, parts of Asia, and Latin America — particularly Brazil, with agricultural output expected to increase more than 40% in that country by 2019. Production growth of more than 20% is expected in China, India, Russian Federation and Ukraine.