
编者按: 本文最初发表于 领英.

现在,当我们处理这个问题时,根据压力的位置,它包含许多问题——所有这些都是真正的问题——当你深入思考带来 数字化转型农业.这里有几个可能的版本:

1) 农业投入品制造商 外包 电子商务到初创公司?

2) 农业投入品制造商是否应该外包 电子-商业 到初创公司?

3) 农业投入品制造商是否应将电子商务外包给 创业公司?



那些对第一个问题做出积极回应的人通常会大声而明确地阐明他们的关键假设:为农民生产优质产品是我们的目标 只要 核心业务。到目前为止,它带领我们走上了有机增长的轨道。为什么要转移注意力呢?其他一切,包括促进可追溯性和与渠道合作伙伴建立关系的技术,充其量都是非核心活动,可以外包给十几个雇佣工作供应商。


What happens when today’s non-core activities become value-added activities tomorrow? What happens when mastering them becomes a question of strategic vision and therefore, needs to be kept inside, or at least with trusted partners?

Take the case of IBM and their decision to outsource the microprocessor for its PC business to Intel, and its operating systems to Microsoft. When IBM executives made these decisions, they were wise choices, based on what they did best (or in business speak, “core competencies”), and often lauded by the business press of the 80’s.

然而,今天,事后看来,我们讲述了一个不同的故事。 IBM怎么会天真到不识破这个价值数十亿的荒谬决策,将蛋糕拱手让给两家公司,不仅攫取了利润,还永远抢走了IBM的风头?


Let’s dive in.

Allow me to introduce Harvard Professor Clayton Christensten’s “诱人利润守恒定律“. Instead of explicitly spelling it out loud, I am going to explain it visually through Lego blocks.

从广义上讲,每个行业价值链都有两种价值链乐高积木。集成块和模块化块。集成块以紧密相互依存的方式运作,从设计到制造再到分销,它的每一个细节都是完全拥有的 里面.

另一方面,模块化块与合作伙伴紧密协作 外部.它们是相对独立的区块,并受共同商定的质量标准约束。





从 Yelps of the world 数字化菜单和用户评论开始,现在已经取得了长足的进步。今天,通过一个应用程序,我可以获得我独特的用餐体验(使用类似 Uber 的服务来租用烹饪厨房),以及我喜欢的食物选择。价值链中的每个其他组成部分,从厨师到食品生产,现在都已商品化和模块化。

Using this framework, I can map digital disruption happening in many other industries as well. Here’s a quick glance of the disruptive shift happening across hotels, taxis, and men’s grooming industries (with the advent of subscription service like Dollar Shaving Club). I am not going into too much specifics here. If you have any comments, or if you have a different perspective about disruption in these industries, I am all ears. The Hotels and Taxi Booking examples have been adapted from the popular 战略博客.





如果你看看电子商务初创公司的游戏玩法,比如 农业之星,NaPanta,Destaglobal,这或多或少是正在发生的事情。上图中的绿色块涵盖了他们当前正在试验的集成服务的快照。看看我在尝试时欢迎我的界面屏幕 纳潘塔,一家专注于 Andhra 和 Telangana 地区的技术解决方案供应商。

Tad too ambitious perhaps? It’s mind boggling to think of the scale of on-ground operations required to facilitate such diverse integrated services to customers. Would these services scale, given the on-ground complexities in the Indian market?

Honestly, I don’t have an answer to this question.

However, if and when these e-commerce players scale up their operations (and that’s a big 如果,请注意)哪些增值活动可能变得至关重要?不过,我可以尝试回答这个问题。

When integrated, single-brand focused, agri-input products distribution (at warehousing and distribution stages) evolves towards modular, multi-brand agri-input products, traceability system of these products’ supply chain which ensures product safety and quality would become extremely critical.

在为中国日报撰写的一篇文章中, Zhang Qingfeng, Director of the environment, natural resources and agriculture division of the East Asia department of the Asian Development Bank, goes on to include “traceability systems” as one of the key elements essential to connect the entire agricultural value chain from production to marketing through Internet-mediated networks.

What are the other interesting facets of this diagram? Did you notice “Credit Management”?

I included this after learning about Destaglobal’s “cash-only” e-commerce transactions that have been happening in Maharashtra regions. I don’t have the numbers and the full picture here. But, it seems that, in a market used to procuring agrichemicals (among other agri-inputs) on credit, there is an alternative cash-and-carry market emerging for those who prefer the convenience of a variety of multi-brand agri-input products under a single roof.
