
在本期 AgriBusiness Global 报告, Fanwood Chemical 总裁 Jim DeLisi 接受采访 (CPDA) 总裁 Terry Kippley 谈到了面对面会议对于国际业务的重要性,以及如何在不超出预算的情况下参加这些会议。您可以在 CPDA 上找到更多信息 CPDA 佐剂、惰性剂及作物保护会议 2024 年 4 月 29 日至 5 月 1 日,亚利桑那州图森。

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Jim DeLisi: One of the things that intrigues me is that people believe they can build tight relationships in virtual meetings. I’m still a believer that you have to sit together, break bread, and meet business associates across the table. You have to spend the time and the energy to go visit.

Terry Kippley: I would spend a minimum of two weeks or a maximum of four weeks each year in China, working, sitting, and breaking bread, as you say, with our strategic suppliers. And you’re right. You really do have to develop these human relationships in terms of trust. It works again both ways. You need to be able to trust them, and they need to trust you. If you have that type of access with the owner of the factory or the senior management team, that human a component of any business relationship is very important.




传统知识: You know, business comes down to trust and being able to deliver. If you can’t deliver, then that relationship is not going to last. You have to be able to plan your work, work your plan. Deliver on those commitments and be a credible partner—this strategy needs to work both ways for the relationship to work.

Within the post patent world, you don’t have the benefit of dealing with limited competition because of patents.



传统知识: 会议,例如我们即将在亚利桑那州图森举行的 CPDA 会议。我们在 COVID 之后立即召开的会议,我们很幸运能够邀请到最大分销商的首席执行官出席,在与这些首席执行官的座谈会上,他们讨论了市场情报的重要性。

我每年在中国花将近一个月的时间与供应商合作,建立关系并获取市场信息。在像我们这样的会议上,去年有 300 多人参加,来自 118 家不同的公司。你可以在三天内接触到几个不同的人和公司,从而建立关系。这是一种比面对面会议更便宜的方式。


I think that market intelligence also helps you to understand what’s next. What’s around the corner? The industry is slowly getting out of overstocking and trying to figure out what the price level is. Market intel will help figure out when it’s going to rise. When to make that strategic purchasing. Market intel is really key to good business.

JD: I’d like to add the AgriBusiness Global Trade Summit on August 7-8 in Orlando, Fla. You can make contacts at CPDA in May in Tucson, Ariz., and follow up with them at the ABG Trade Summit.

传统知识: Absolutely. I’ve made it every single year to the ABG Trade Summit.  It is truly the one opportunity from an international global perspective, to pick up valuable market intel. I have forged many, many relationships over the year because of ABG Trade Summit.

JD: Well, I’ve heard it said 1,000 times. If you’re not at the table, you’re on the menu, and that’s the truth for anybody that doesn’t attend these important conferences.

传统知识: 绝对地。