Arysta 和 Plant Health Care 罢工许可交易

Arysta LifeScience and Plant Health Care signed a product development and license agreement for use of Plant Health Care’s proprietary harpin alpha beta technology, or “Harp-N-Tek.” Sales of the product are anticipated in the United States following registration in time for the 2014 season.

据总部位于美国的 Plant Health Care 称,Harp-N-Tek 是一个技术平台,用于生产配制成无病原体产品的 harpin 蛋白。当应用 Harp-N-Tek 种子处理剂或叶面植物健康调节剂时,植物会启动压力防御和生长系统。根据 Plant Health Care 的说法,结果是提高了作物活力、耐力、养分吸收和生殖生长。此外,据说这项技术还可以减少根部的线虫卵和幼虫数量。

虽然协议的商业条款没有披露,但 Arysta LifeScience 表示,它将在多种作物和市场上开发和商业化 harpin alpha beta,并结合其许多品牌产品。

Paul Schmidt, CEO of Plant Health Care, said, “We are delighted to enter into this relationship with Arysta LifeScience, which promises a number of new products that will use Harpin alpha beta technology to offer improved plant health benefits and superior disease control.”

Wayne Hewett, President and CEO of Arysta LifeScience, said, “The technology has been validated in the United States corn and soybean market, and Arysta LifeScience is focused on launching new products in the United States market in 2014 as well as developing the concept in a number of crops and countries.”