
安道麦,一家全球领先的作物保护公司,最近因其创新的 Araddo 除草剂而获得认可,在今年的 IHS Markit 作物科学论坛和奖项中赢得了著名的最佳配方创新奖。该消息发布之际,安道麦在巴拉圭注册了 Araddo 进行销售,并计划继 2021 年在巴西成功上市后扩展到拉丁美洲的其他市场。

Farmers in Latin America are increasingly concerned about the spread of three weeds – Conyza, Sourgrass and Goosegrass – which are advancing across agricultural areas and showing signs of resistance to glyphosate and other herbicides. Araddo, a pre-crop, burndown dual-mode herbicide, effectively controls grasses and broadleaf weeds such as these and helps overcome the growing resistance problem. This innovative mixture for soybean, corn, and wheat crops, enables farmers in Brazil, and now Paraguay, to achieve higher crop yields.

“We are thrilled to be recognized for our groundbreaking Araddo, which is the first to combine ACC’ase Inhibition and Auxin herbicidal modes of action, overcoming the chemical degradation between the two active ingredients. Our focus on cutting-edge formulations technologies, enables us to bring differentiation to our portfolio and add value to the farmers.” said Alexandre Pires, Head of Marketing of ADAMA Brazil. “In just a single application, farmers can control grasses and broad leaf weeds, which was not possible with prior technologies.”

以前,生长素的普遍使用要求施用和种植之间有 10 至 30 天的安全间隔。然而,Araddo 允许农民立即喷洒和种植,从而节省时间和利用最佳种植窗口的能力,从而提高生产力。

与现有解决方案相比,Araddo 可以少量使用并改善效果,并且由于其浓度更高,因此需要非常少量的包装。它已被证明对周围的田地更安全,并且不会对大豆造成植物毒性。这些都支持改进该产品的可持续性概况。此外,由于水喷雾中只混合了一种产品,Araddo 易于实施,对农民来说更安全。

Araddo 的专利创新配方技术受安道麦专利保护