Nufarm 评估全球收购

作物保护公司 Nufarm 表示,它正在考虑进行多项收购,以回应外界猜测它可能会收购中国化工集团公司持有的资产,可能还有总部位于美国的作物保护集团 Albaugh, Julie-anne Sprague 在澳大利亚金融评论网站上写道.

Nufarm has been examining how it can benefit from a suite of mega-mergers among global agrichemical giants. State-owned ChemChina sealed the nation’s biggest foreign deal earlier this year with its buyout of Synengta for $US43 billion. Other mergers include the $US130 billion union between Dow Chemical and DuPont and Bayer’s $US66 billion play for Monsanto.

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