Nufarm 和 Phytec 将在澳大利亚和新西兰开发植物监测系统

Example of Phytech’s patented phytomonitoring technology.

Nufarm Australia 和总部位于以色列的技术公司 Phytech 已同意在澳大利亚和新西兰共同开发专有的植物监控系统。


Nufarm 表示,它最初将帮助在关键农业行业引入该技术,与主要种植者合作,确保他们获得农艺支持和数据馈送,以利用该系统。

Nufarm Australia 总经理 Lachlan McKinnon 表示,该公司很高兴与 Phytech 合作开发尖端技术,帮助种植者及时决定如何最好地管理他们的作物。

“Along with other Nufarm programs like Spraywise, this is another opportunity to provide our grower customers with a suite of solutions that support their cropping programs,” McKinnon said. “Our initial focus will be on the cotton and almond industries, and there is exciting potential for the system’s use across a whole range of our crops.”

Phytech CEO Sarig Duek said the opportunity of working with Australia’s leading crop protection company will ensure the technology receives the in-field support required to maximize its potential. “We are delighted that Nufarm has agreed to collaborate with us on this initiative. We see Australia as a long-term and very important market for the technology, given the challenges of variable seasonal conditions.”