Rabo Ventures 和 Value8 投资 Ceradis

Rabo Ventures 和 Value8 联合宣布投资开发作物保护产品的 Ceradis。

Ceradis 是荷兰瓦赫宁根大学的子公司,开发了专利杀菌剂,其有害成分比传统替代品少达 80%。该公司开发了一系列作物保护产品,适用于多种水果和蔬菜作物(包括马铃薯、番茄、葡萄、香蕉和菠萝)。产品显着减少果蔬化学残留和农田污染。

“We are impressed with the deep knowledge base of Ceradis and the products the company has developed,” said Koen van Engelen, Director at Rabo Ventures. “Ceradis is in a unique position to bridge the gap between biological products that often still lack in performance and the more effective yet polluting conventional crop protection products.”
Value8 自 2010 年初以来一直是 Ceradis 的投资者。Rabo Ventures 将作为新股东加入,这是一轮 450 万欧元投资的一部分。

“With the additional capital and the addition of Rabo Ventures in the shareholder base, the company makes a next step in its development towards becoming a leading company in this field,” said Kee Koopmans, Investment Director at Value8. “We are confident that Ceradis is well positioned to become a leading player in the field of crop protection development, which is an objective that would be welcomed by our shareholders.”

资料来源:Ceradis,由 FCI 工作人员编辑