Rainbow 加速投资欧盟 Annex II Defending 和 Annex III

欧盟是主要市场之一 润丰股份 战略计划。

公司决定在未来五年内投资约 5000 万欧元,用于筛选重要的活性成分,并投资 Annex II Defending 和 Annex III 以获得在欧盟市场销售的配方。同时,Rainbow也不排除收购欧盟本地化公司,以加快进入欧盟市场。

Since 2016, Rainbow has been investing in pesticide technical equivalences in the European Union. It has now obtained the equivalent identification of about 30 active components in the EU, and more than 50 AIs are in progress. This is a major step in building Rainbow’s One Stop Technical Material Supply Platform for the EU market.
