
到 2015 年底,沃尔玛将要求在全球范围内为其所有自有品牌产品使用可持续来源的棕榈油。

甚至诺曼·博洛格 (Norman Borlaug) 也有批评者。这位被誉为拯救了 10 亿人免于饥饿的人被一些人告知让他们死去,尽管他曾将墨西哥从地方性饥饿中拯救出来。

Borlaug’s acclaimed dwarf wheat varieties were bred in Mexico during his work there beginning in 1944. His work entailed long hours of tedious work hand-selecting preferred varieties and then isolating them to be short, strong and resistant to rust. He succeeded not only in producing better plants, he also overhauled the country’s cultural practices, emphasizing fertilization and irrigation at specific timings. Mexico was self-sufficient in wheat production by 1956, and Borlaug had created new cultivars and cropping systems that would be copied and distributed throughout the world.

但当印度和巴基斯坦在 20 世纪 60 年代中期出现饥荒迹象时,许多农学家和经济学家表示,粮食生产永远跟不上人口增长的步伐,而且文化习俗差异太大,无法实施博洛格的蓝图。对某些人来说,印度被认为是无望的。博洛格证明他们错了,到 1974 年,印度在所有谷物的生产上都实现了自给自足。批评者沉默了,技术盛行了,那个时代的流行作家所预测的马尔萨斯灾难仍然是一种理论。

Today’s criticism of agriculture systems is far more deregulated. Retailers and consumers are more educated, vocal and powerful than ever before, and their demands are percolating through the value chain. Their mandates are clear: They want sustainable consumables that are fairly traded and delivered all year long. This new directive it is impacting all companies great and small.


联合利华 18' 这家在伦敦证券交易所上市的最大公司(2012 年收入为 $678 亿美元)在 2012 年发起了一项活动,以重新设计其供应链以包括 100% 可持续采购,部分原因是他们最大的零售商(包括沃尔玛)的敦促。

“Walmart moms – which is how Walmart refers to their customers – want to buy sustainable products, but they won’t pay a penny more so for them,” says Jan Kees Vis, global sustainable sourcing development director for Unilever. “So it is up to corporations to deliver these initiatives.”

These grassroots demands are changing the way the 400-brand behemoth does business, and its suppliers are changing with them. Farmers, input providers, logistics companies, processors, retailers and even consumers are under the microscope as Unilever benchmarks carbon emissions, water use and energy consumption for the cradle-to-grave lifecycle for each of its products. Products that include Ben & Jerry’s, Breyers, Best Foods, Lipton, Knorr, Hellmann’s, Red Rose, Ragu and a staggering array of margarines. It has 17 brands that generate more than $1 billion in sales each year, and it is on a continuous hunt for raw materials from sustainable suppliers.

它的棕榈油计划是其发展最深的。在活动家和消费者开始谴责这家总部位于荷兰的公司因其大量消费而砍伐东南亚的棕榈油种植园之后,联合利华通过可持续棕榈油绿色棕榈证书圆桌会议实现了其在 2012 年采购 100% 棕榈油的目标.它的下一个里程碑是到 2020 年从可追溯来源采购所有可持续棕榈油。

对于其庞大的茶叶业务,它现在正处于茶农的大规模认证过程中,因此小股东不会被排除在其开拓性采购战略之外。如今,它从可持续来源采购 63% 茶叶,并与肯尼亚茶叶发展机构合作建立 3,200 所学校,以便该国 600,000 名茶农能够努力获得可持续认证。 “这是人类历史上最大的单一认证努力,”Vis 于 10 月下旬在荷兰阿姆斯特丹的 CropWorld Global 上说。

有无数农业企业为农民提供工具以保持有效、高效和与当今零售商和消费者相关的例子。我们 2014 年的社论报道将继续审视作物保护产品生产、贸易和使用的趋势。此外, FCI 计划加强其对可持续价值链举措如何影响上游采购决策和产品需求的报道。私营农业公司比以往任何时候都更受消费趋势的驱动,并且它们变得更加透明以满足可持续农业系统的需求。


下一个 Norman Borlaug 正在研究站、研发实验室、智囊团、财团和农民身边的田野中孜孜不倦地工作,以确保消费者获得安全、公平和负担得起的食品。农业综合企业影响着数十亿希望养家糊口的人。

FCI 很自豪能与不允许批评家边缘化他们的工作的公司合作,而是随着世界的变化发明新的解决方案。再一次,创新和坚持会让批评者闭嘴,帮助世界上最贫穷的人坚持下去。
