
随着作物保护行业创造出新的配方和产品,假冒继续困扰着该行业。高达 $4 亿的非法产品损失,或估计全球销售额的 10%。


“We believe that counterfeit and illegal products represent a significant threat to human health and the environment, jeopardize plant health and crop production and also pose an economic threat to international trade and the sustainability of the global food supply,” says Moni Hancock, Dow AgroSciences R&D communications leader.

请继续关注 2012 年的 Farm Chemicals International 连续系列,详细介绍假冒行业以及为解决这一日益严重的问题所做的努力。

有想要分享的假冒故事或观点吗?联系编辑 David Frabotta dfrabotta@meistermedia.com 或给我们留下评论 Facebook。