
编者按: 这是将在 AgriBusinessGlobal.com 上发表的关于农业化学和生物科学战略研发管理系列文章中七篇文章中的第四篇。有关文章的完整列表, 点击这里.

上一篇文章 in this series on Strategic R&D Management in AgChem and BioScience, we learned how the biopesticide industry creates a “Blue Ocean” of uncontested crop protection market space. In Part II, we will learn how the SMART-TECH Industry builds on the biopesticide industry’s value proposition to create a new “Blue Ocean” in crop protection.

生物制品行业正在走向成熟(见我的 最近的文章 在本系列中),推动可持续的、基于生物学的作物保护产品的开发。

One of the key take-home messages in these articles is that significant strategic synergies can be anticipated by integrating biological and conventional crop protection — not only between products but also between the knowledge bases for these strategies.


图 1:Strategy Canvas,生物农药行业与非专利作物保护行业的比较。 “蓝海”价值创新机会和战略调整促进了“先锋”产品的识别和开发(改编自蓝海战略的作者/创造者 Kim 和 Mauborgne)。

While the generic product development strategy has been to incrementally improve formulation and delivery technologies, significant increases in our understanding of inducible plant defense responses (strongly driven by decades of biologicals R&D) provide us with a new and powerful tool to increase product efficacy. This may be achieved through the integration of plant defense responses into overall crop protection strategies — an alliance between farmer and crop.

Inducible plant defense responses have developed over more than 100 million years and have consistently and effectively ensured species’ survival. For integrated product:crop strategies in monocultures, however, the kinetics of plant defense induction require precise and timely activation — after confirmation of pest or disease presence, but before disease or pest pressures exceed a specific threshold.

A critical success factor for the above is the understanding — and the timely induction — of plant defense kinetics.


SMART-TECH 产业与 Biological Advances 相结合,以增加“蓝海”价值创新机会。

In response to this new generation of integrated crop:product strategies, the SMART-TECH industry has staked out new utility propositions on the Grower Utility map by building on the biopesticide industry’s value proposition, to generate a unique strategic profile.

Figure 2: Grower Utility Map. The SMART-TECH industry has created a “Blue Ocean” of “Pioneer” products. These are products providing value innovations, such as the integration of technical advancements or novel technologies) and strategies, through advances in agricultural, satellite, and drone technology and by building on the biopesticide industry’s value proposition, to generate a unique strategic profile (adapted from Kim & Mauborgne, authors/creators of Blue Ocean Strategy).


However, for true sustainability, it’s no longer enough to look BACKWARDS and increase efficacy and reduce rates in response to regulatory and public pressure. In the SMART REVOLUTION, real-time scouting and information technologies will allow the timely inclusion of inducible plant defense responses for crop protection solutions.

这将作为 FORWARD 战略推动速度和数量的减少,例如有针对性的无人机交付,消除了实现真正可持续作物保护的重大技术障碍之一。

图 3:Strategy Canvas、SMART-TECH 和生物农药行业与非专利作物保护行业的比较。 “蓝海”价值创新机会和战略调整促进了“先锋”产品的识别和开发(改编自蓝海战略的作者/创造者 Kim 和 Mauborgne)。

丹麦初创公司 动物智能 是一家为智能革命做出贡献的新公司的例子,它是第一家精准农业公司,其精准度也基于 DNA,通过使用无人机进行监测、现场采样和实时监测,为可持续的综合害虫管理提供机会早期发育阶段昆虫群体的 DNA 鉴定。

图 4:丹麦创业公司 动物智能 通过引入新的价值创新机会和战略调整,为智能革命做出贡献。

在 FaunaSmart 系统中,无人机被用作对存在的害虫物种进行实时实地检查的工具。这些无人机提供准确性和效率,使用相机或需要的 DNA 采样器分析领域。

FaunaSmart 软件分析害虫风险水平,提供实时现场地图,并在显示不同区域时,软件找到最有效和最环保的害虫控制解决方案。

Together with formulation and delivery advances, real-time drone scouting and analysis will drive improved product efficacy — permitting significant reductions in product volume. This, in turn, will finally allow the development of targeted drone-based application technologies, for which a major technical impedance has been the requirement for low spray volumes.




要了解有关将执行纳入战略的更多信息,请查看我之前的文章 战略研发管理系列.

In the next article of this series, we continue with Part II of how the Biopesticide & SMART-TECH Industries create a “Blue Ocean” of uncontested crop protection market space.

谢谢阅读。请随时阅读和分享 我的其他文章.

如果您觉得本文有趣,您将在以下位置找到更多有用的信息 战略研发管理:农化与生物科学 哈里·泰彻 (Harry Teicher) 着。这本书针对管理人员、研究人员和其他希望了解作物保护基本战略方面的人,是对战略研发管理基本原则的简单易懂的介绍。

如需更多信息,请访问 生物科学解决方案 – 通过为开发基于科学的产品的 AgChem 和 BioSolutions 企业提供独立的战略研发管理和科学支持,为可持续作物保护解决方案的开发做出贡献。