

在过去 10 年之前,它们的功效主要是轶事。小面积作物更容易监测,而且在复杂的研发研究证明其价值之前很久,农民就能够衡量生物刺激素的积极作用。它们的好处是有形的:生物刺激素培育出更健康的植物,更适合抵抗疾病、承受非生物胁迫并结出丰富、优质的果实。现在科学正在赶上结果。

“We’ve entered a green revolution in plant health,” says Fabio Agnolon, Product Manager for Sicit 2000, one of the first companies to produce and market amino acids for biostimulation 50 years ago. The company has revenues of $51 million and is growing about 15% per year. “We are getting very good at understanding how the peptides work in the plant so that we can promote root growth in natural ways, increase the activity of crop protection products, and improve yields and quality.”


在过去的 30 年里,生物刺激素公司一直在努力工作,通过严格的功效研究来验证他们的产品。许多公司都遵循作物保护行业标准,包括国内田间试验和实验室研究。

“Genomic testing allows us to understand the expressions of phenotypes, which tell us exactly how to apply the products because the metabolic pathways have created some predictability for efficacy and application timing,” says Marco Rosso, Global Corporate Affairs Director for Valagro, a $119-million company that sells 20 product lines into 80 countries.


“The future of feeding the world is integrated crop management,” Rosso says. “Global damage from abiotic stress has exceeded crop damage from pests, and farmers understand the problem.”



“If you would have told me five years ago that the industry would go in this direction this quickly, I would have not believed it,” says Italpollina CEO Luca Bonini, a third-generation manufacturer that began making fertilizers in the 1950s. The company’s first biostimulant products were developed in 1991, and now the company exports those products to 70 countries. The company is investing into manufacturing in the burgeoning U.S. market while maintaining its original production in Italy and an R&D center in France. The company has grown 25% in the past five years. “No one was investing into biostimulants when we started. R&D and investment into new technologies has changed the dynamic of the industry quite a bit, and there will continue to be a lot of movement in the next five to 10 years.”

该行业的一些增长是由跨国公司的大量投资推动的。 2012年,拜耳以$4.25亿美元收购了总部位于加州的AgraQuest。同年晚些时候,巴斯夫以 $10.2 亿美元的价格收购了 Becker Underwood。 2013 年,孟山都与诺维信建立了名为 BioAg 联盟的研发和分销合作伙伴关系,其目标是到 2025 年为 25% 至 50% 的美国农田提供服务。

不少后专利公司也加入了竞争。 Arysta LifeScience 于 2007 年收购了墨西哥的 Grupo Bioquimico,并于 2015 年收购了法国的 Goemar。FMC、Isagro、Sipcam、Sapec 和其他后专利公司在过去 10 年中积极进入该领域,其中一些是最近才进入的。






“The companies who are successful today focus on trading with the right partners, ones who address their clients like we address our markets,” says Nicolas Lindemann, Executive Director of Madrid-based Tradecorp, a division of Sapec, which sells about $89 million of specialized nutrition into 60 countries. “There is still a knowledge gap about these products, so we work with partners that have a framework to convey that knowledge to farmers. We think these technologies are going to bring a revolution in the market, and that means we are looking for long-term relationships.”

Lindemann 说,Tradecorp 拥有大约 150 系列产品,该公司为不同市场的特定作物定制开发这些产品。这种对市场需求的反应强化了生物刺激素公司以制造为中心的性质及其对强大分销合作伙伴的需求。


“The first step we take when entering a market is to engage universities so they can do field tests and understand how the products work in those environments,” says Nicola Farina, Sales, Marketing,
和总部位于意大利的 ILSA 的传播总监。


“We work directly with distributors that have knowledge of our products,” says Francisco Espinosa Escrig, Chief Research Officer for Valencia, Spain-based Siepasa, which expects to double its $12 million revenues in the next three years. “It is our philosophy to look for high-quality partners, from day one, who we can work closely with at every level, from field trials all the way through the value chain to the final grower.”

许可可以是增长的另一种选择。 Green Universe Agriculture 是一家以微生物研发为基础的相对初创企业,其首席执行官 Ignacio Horche 表示,该领域研发活动的激增最终将导致对两家公司和产品发现的更多收购。较大的分销公司可能也在寻找专有品牌产品。

“Multinational companies are looking for specialty products and exclusive technologies that they can develop, and that is something that we can offer,” Horche says, adding that tailor-made microbial mixtures can be blended with some crop protection products for ease of use, and the possibility of creating a new patented product because of its uniqueness.


联系 David Frabotta  dfrabotta@meistermedia.com