
The global agriculture industry is gearing up to feed nine billion people in 2050, and it won’t be possible without crop protection. Growers will need access to and education about the industry’s leading chemical technologies to keep pace with demand. But more importantly, it must provide low-use chemicals and supporting best practices to create a sustainable agriculture platform.

Shivaji Pandey,植物生产和保护司司长 粮食及农业组织 联合国粮农组织(FAO)最近在 世界大会 关于新德里的保护性农业。

"The world has no alternative to pursuing Sustainable Crop Production Intensification to meet the growing food and feed demand, to alleviate poverty and to protect its natural resources,” he told attendees. “Conservation Agriculture is an essential element of that Intensification.”

土壤健康、生物多样性和灌溉将成为这个不断增长的人口取得成功的新指标。根据粮农组织的数据,按照目前的趋势,从现在到 2030 年,农业生产力的增长率预计将降至 1.5%,并在 2030 年至 2050 年期间进一步降至 0.9%,而自 1961 年以来的年增长率为 2.3%。

Pandey said training, participatory research and building strong farmers’ organizations should be accelerated, and our industry could be seen as innovators if they take the lead in helping to feed the world.

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