
据估计,假冒产品占据了全球农药市场的 5% 至 10%,即约 $40 亿。

“The incidence of global counterfeiting and illegal traffic in plant protection products has been growing substantially over the past years, especially with the increase in generic manufacturing capability, computerized manufacturing processes, computerized graphics for labeling and the relaxation in global and regional trade laws,” says Utz Klages, 拜耳作物科学 作物保护和环境科学发言人。



界定假冒行为及其所违反的确切法律是打击非法农药贸易的第一步。代表国际仿制药公司的 AgroCare 总裁 Roman Macaya 博士表示,虽然农药行业反对这种做法,但跨国公司和仿制药公司之间存在意见分歧。

• China’s Central Government and Industry Association Continue to Target Illegal Manufacturing and Trade

“Multinational companies have been very aggressive in promoting anti-counterfeiting enforcement measures,” he says. “These will have support from the generic industry as long as the definition of counterfeiting is properly defined and not used as a weapon of abuse.”


《反假冒贸易协定》规定了国际知识产权。因此,专利侵权通常由民事法院处理,包括 ACTA 中假冒定义中的行为。因此,让个人受到刑事指控是不合适的。

“As with most legal issues, there should not be a “one-size-fits-all” enforcement strategy,” Macaya says. “No serious organization is going to be for counterfeiting. Likewise, no serious organization should try to create confusion as to what is counterfeiting in order to broaden the scope of enforcement actions to other areas that do not fall under the definition of counterfeiting.”

例如,发展中国家和发达国家有不同的需求。 Macaya 说,在这些国家/地区处理假冒产品的不同策略对于有效减缓假冒农药的使用至关重要。



Once a shipment of counterfeit products crosses the border, they are shipped to countries where European organized criminals label them inappropriately and initiate the selling process. Approximately $435 million of Europe’s pesticide industry is lost to counterfeiting each year, and little is being done on the legislative side to combat the problem, he says.

“They haven’t figured out a bracket of the law that adequately addresses the shipping of chemicals,” Newton says. “There could be a situation where something can be seized by customs if it has a phony brand name attached to it.”


“Shipping does not require very stringent regulations,” he says. “Most do not come in labeled or shopped as pesticides. It is very common for accidents and spillage to occur when these products are shipped in containers other than what they are.”





“There is enough fear about the use of pesticides and the reputation of the product,” says Newton. “The anti-counterfeiting situation accentuates those fears because it could essentially destroy the reputation of farmers. The only way advanced tech applications can be trusted by the consumer is if the farmer appears accountable, professional and responsible.”

Not only could counterfeit products destroy farmers’ reputations, crop loss is a significant risk because of mislabeled products and incorrect formulations. In Nigeria, farmers have been urged to stop using fake products after illegal pesticides compromised cocoa yields in 2010.

“It takes a farmer to buy the stuff,” says Newton. “Many may not know it’s counterfeit, and training farmers to avoid illegal products by showing the risks and how to avoid risks is important.”