
南部非洲发展共同体 (SADC) 通过成立种子中心来加强其农业基础设施,该中心旨在以更优惠的价格提供更多品种。


上周,科菲·安南告诉英国《金融时报》,无法获得和采用更好的种子是非洲提高产量的主要障碍。联合国前秘书长安南是非洲绿色革命联盟 (AGRA) 的主席,该联盟鼓励各国政府允许私营部门更多地拥有种子分销网络。

SADC’s Seed Center, located at the SADC Plant Genetic Resource Center in Lusaka, Zambia, is financially supported by the Swedish Development Co-operation and USAID. One of the center’s core goals is to coordinated the implementation of a Harmonized Seed Regulatory System, so African nations can realize the benefits of new hybrid seeds, including ones that are drought-tolerant and better suited for regional soil profiles.

The SADC’s Harmonized Seed Regulatory System conducts seed quality and certification trials to speed the distribution once regulatory approval is achieved in respective countries.

资料来源:已发布的报告,由编辑 David Frabotta 编辑