
根据 清洁水法 (CWA) has as its objectives the restoration and maintenance of the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the nation’s waters through the prohibition of the discharge of toxic pollutants into the navigable waters of the United States. Navigable waters include ponds, lakes, streams, rivers, wetlands, and literally all surface waters, regardless of navigability. 美国环保署 负责制定法规以实现这些目标。


  1. 国家污染物排放消除系统 (NPDES) 许可计划。
  2. 从非家庭来源引入公有处理厂 (POTW) 的有毒污染物的预处理标准。
  3. 针对现有和新来源的行业特定有毒污染物排放限制和指南。
  4. 石油和有害物质责任条款。
  5. 泄漏预防控制和对策 (SPCC) 规划。
  6. 第 319 节下的非点源农业污染控制机制。

CWA 影响所有产生废水排放的行业,并且可能对化肥和农药生产设施产生重大影响。 CWA 第 307 节要求 EPA 发布有毒污染物清单,并制定排放这些污染物的排放限值。有毒污染物包括 65 种化学物质和化学类别。

These chemicals and chemical categories are ranked by EPA according to occurrence and risk, resulting in 126 chemicals, known as priority pollutants, which are required to be regulated. These priority pollutants are incorporated into effluent guidelines and pretreatment standards. The priority pollutants include several pesticides which may have either specific discharge limits or a “no discharge” limit as with aldrin/dieldrin, DDT, endrin, and others.


克林顿总统和戈尔副总统于 1998 年 2 月 19 日宣布的清洁水行动计划部分侧重于农业杀虫剂和化肥的使用及其对水污染的影响。为实施该倡议,总统提出了大量新资源,旨在改善水质并统一正在进行的 EPA 水项目。该计划要求采取以下举措,这些举措在实施时可能会影响农场的农药和化肥使用:

  • 向各州提供新的援助,以遏制受污染的径流并鼓励采用可执行的控制措施。
  • 到 2000 年水体中营养物(即氮和磷)的数值标准,以及如果各州失败则启动标准以强制执行这些标准。
  • 增加激励措施并提供超过 $1 亿的新资源,以帮助农民控制受污染的径流,创建 200 万英里的缓冲区,并制定污染防治计划。
  • 增加湿地面积。
  • 到 1999 年 12 月批准减少沿海地区污染径流的州计划。
  • Expand citizen’s right to know.
  • 建立 美国遗产河流项目.

NPDES 许可计划

The EPA’s NPDES permit program regulates point sources or discreet discharges (pipes, ditches, channels, etc.). Section 301 of the Act establishes uniform national standards for discharges of each type of pollutant from each category of industrial point source, including fertilizer and pesticide manufacture. In general, NPDES permit limits include conventional pollutants such as Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), pH, etc., as well as many specific toxic substances and “Hazardous Substances” including the “Priority Pollutants” (40 CFR Section 423, Appendix A). Many of these chemicals are pesticides or inert ingredients used in pesticide formulations.

Guidelines for NPDES permit writers and state water quality standards are included in Section 304. EPA published effluent guidelines and standards for pesticide chemicals in 40 CFR 455. These guidelines and standards are based upon the application of the “Best Practicable Control Technology Currently Available” (BPT). Subpart A covers the Organic Pesticide Chemicals Manufacturing Subcategory. The Metallo-Organic Pesticides Chemicals Manufacturing Subcategory is dealt with in Subpart B, while the Pesticide Chemicals Formulating and Packaging Subcategory is regulated in Subpart C. Organic chemical pesticide manufacturing has conventional pollutant criteria (BOD, COD, pH, etc.) and quantitative criteria for the active ingredient. A guideline of “no discharge” to navigable waters was set for metallo-organic pesticide manufacturing, and for pesticide chemical formulating and packaging. In addition, many states now require bioassay testing to maintain water quality standards.

从工业和其他非家庭来源排放到公有处理厂的污水不需要联邦 NPDES 许可证(州法规偶尔会强制要求许可),但可能需要遵守预处理法规。 EPA 发布了农药行业的预处理标准,规范了通过 POTW 的间接排放。这些标准已在法庭上受到行业的质疑,并在问题得到解决之前被发回给 EPA。因此,农药行业向公有处理厂排放的污染物目前仅受 POTW 实施的一般污染排放禁令的约束。工业排放者和处理厂都必须有一个有效的程序,以确保遵守预处理限制和指南。

In April 1992, EPA issued a proposed rule covering the first two Subcategories, i.e., Organic Pesticide Chemicals and Metallo-Organic Pesticides Chemicals Manufacturing. In the case of the former, EPA intends to expand the BPT requirements to an additional 15 organic and all organotin pesticide active ingredients, and to require the use of “Best Available Technology Economically Achievable” (BAT) for existing facilities; EPA is proposing New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for new facilities. NSPS are based on best available demonstrated treatment technologies for all pollutants (i.e., conventional, nonconventional, and priority). Facilities that indirectly discharge through a POTW would be subject to Pretreatment Standards for Existing Sources (PSES) or New Sources (PSNS); pretreatment standards are technology-based and analogous to BAT effluent limitations.

如上所述,当前 BAT 子类(金属有机农药化学品制造)的 BAT 限制要求不排放工艺废水污染物。 EPA 未对这些限制做出任何更改,但提议为该子类别保留 BPT、BAT、NSPS、PSES 和 PSNS。

EPA 还提议添加一个新的子部分 D,其中包含用于确定是否符合提议的流出物限制指南和标准的分析方法。

40 第 418 部分中提供了肥料制造的废水准则和标准。涵盖以下子类别:

子类别  子部分
磷酸盐 A
硫酸铵 F
混合肥料生产 G



In November 1990, EPA issued regulations which require NPDES permits for stormwater discharges which are “associated with industrial activity” (55 Federal Register pp. 47990-48091). Such discharges occur through any conveyance (pipe, channel, ditches, etc.), and must be directly related to manufacturing, processing, or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant. They do not include areas separate from the plant’s industrial activities, such as office buildings and accompanying parking lots, provided the drainage from these areas is not mixed with waters from the industrial portion of the plant. The regulations (40 CFR 126) specify, by standard industrial code (SIC), which types of industrial facilities are covered; pesticide manufacturing and processing, and fertilizer manufacturing are included. Under this rule, a facility must, in general, obtain a permit individually, as part of a group application, or under a general permit covering a large area. However, since effluent guidelines for stormwater from the fertilizer manufacturing sector have been issued (40 CFR 418), no action is needed if the facility has a current NPDES permit. When the permit expires, the facility must apply for an individual permit.

1995 年 8 月,EPA 发布了最终规则,为所有 II 阶段雨水排放建立了两级顺序申请流程和六年申请流程。由于雨水许可程序的变化和正在进行的立法活动,请在进行任何许可活动之前咨询联邦和州许可当局。

重要的是要注意需要许可证 即使通过市政或非市政的独立雨水管排放。 如果通过市政独立的雨水管道系统排放,则必须向系统运营商发出额外通知 (40 CFR 122.26(a)(4))。


在另一项重要的规则制定中,EPA 发布了处理排放到 POTW 的危险废物的法规 在或之后 1990 年 8 月 23 日。该规则影响所有受分类预处理标准约束的工业用户,以及每天排放超过 25,000 加仑或下水道系统容量超过 5% 的工业工厂。涵盖设施必须确定其下水道排放物(如果以其他方式处置)是否属于危险废物,方法是根据 资源保护和恢复法案 (RCRA) 程序 (40 CFR 262.11)。如果确定它是危险的,那么每个接收危险废物的 POTW,以及地区 EPA 办公室和国家机构,必须被告知排放类型及其 RCRA 分类;对于超过 100 千克/月的排放量,还需要提供关于有害成分的识别和数量的详细信息。重要非分类工业用户需要额外报告。所有工业用户必须将污染物数量或性质的任何重大变化通知其 POTW。


  • Waste streams with flashpoints below 140°F.
  • 在 POTW 内产生有毒气体、蒸汽或烟雾的排放物。
  • 会干扰或通过 POTW 的油或油脂。
  • 卡车和拖运废物的排放,POTW 指定的排放点除外。 

CWA 第 311 节油类和有害物质清单中包含某些肥料、杀虫剂和许多在杀虫剂配方中用作惰性成分的化合物。陆上和海上制造或配制设施的所有者和经营者必须立即通知 国家响应中心 (电话:800-424-8802)任何超过指定数量的第 311 节物质排放到通航水域。

EPA 要求所有在油罐中储存石油(包括石油、燃料油、污泥等)超过一定数量限制的设施,如果设施有可能排放任何物质,则准备并实施泄漏预防控制和对策 (SPCC) 计划油进入通航水域 (40 CFR 112)。该计划必须规定防止、控制和清理泄漏。它必须保存在设施中,并根据要求提供给 EPA。已经提出了要求针对有害物质制定 SPCC 计划的其他法规,但尚未发布。


1996 年 11 月,EPA 发布了一项最终法规,限制污染物排放到美国的通航水域,以及现有和新设施配制、包装和重新包装农药产品的公有处理厂 (40 CFR 455)。该法规涵盖农药化学品点源类别的两个子类别:

  • 子类别 C:农药配制、包装和重新包装 (PFPR),其中包括也生产农药活性成分的 PFPR 设施。
  • 子类别 E:农业加注机构。

The regulation, which became effective in January 1997, sets effluent limitations under the Clean Water Act. Under the rule, refilling establishments are required to achieve zero discharge of wastewater pollutants. PFPR facilities are given a choice between zero discharge and a “Pollution Prevention Alternative.” This latter option makes compliance possible through the implementation of certain pollution prevention, recycle, and reuse practices. Facilities employing this alternative receive a discharge allowance.


EPA 和五大湖各州于 1989 年开始自愿努力,通过为五大湖流域制定统一的水质标准,合作改善五大湖的水质。这项努力是美国和加拿大之间的五大湖水质协议的结果,该协议于 1990 年成为强制性的 大湖区关键项目法。

该法案为 EPA 颁布关于最低水质标准、实施程序和抗退化政策的指南设定了具体的最后期限,最终指南将于 1992 年 6 月发布。然而,大湖水质倡议 (GLI) 因产生的争议而放缓在制定指南草案时。根据 1992 年决定的要求 国家野生动物联合会诉 EPA, EPA 于 1995 年 3 月发布了 GLI 的最终指南 (60 FR 15336)。

Following a period of intense debate, EPA issued the final GLI rule in March 1996, despite sharp criticism from industry and others. States must adopt the rule’s criteria and procedures into their water quality and wildlife protection standards and NPDES permit programs or EPA will promulgate the provisions for them. Great Lakes industries are currently suing EPA to halt or influence the implementation of GLI.

当 GLI 全面实施时,流域内的农民和其他农药使用者可能会受到每日最大负荷总量 (TMDL) 计划下的径流限制,通过减少径流、降低使用率、改变施用时间、保护性耕作方法旨在防止附着有农药和养分的沉积物离开农田。

1997 年 6 月,一个 美国上诉法院 dismissed the majority of claims brought by industry against the EPA’s water pollution control regulations for limiting the discharge of bioaccumulative toxics into the Great Lakes Basin. The court, however, ruled in favor of the industry on two claims. First the court vacated provisions that required states to regulate internal waste streams of industrial facilities. Second, the court vacated a section of the guidelines that would phase out the use of mixing zones. Despite this latter holding, the EPA still is urging the eight Great Lakes states to phase out clean water mixing zones. Moreover, the EPA intends to repropose the phase-out as an independent rule and fully expects it to pass legal muster since the court’s earlier rejection was essentially based on procedural – and not substantive – grounds.


非点源水污染是美国环保署目前正在起草的一项研究的主题 环境法研究所 (ELI). The study is to examine state pollution laws governing nonpoint sources such as agriculture, forestry, and urban runoff. The report’s findings will be used by the EPA to formulate proposals to control nonpoint source pollution. Such proposals are likely to be part of future discussions concerning the reauthorization of the Clean Water Act, which 国会 可能要到 2000 年才会占用。

1996 年 5 月,EPA 发布了国家非点源计划和拨款指南。该计划的总体愿景是实施有效的非点源计划,以在 2013 年之前实现并保持水资源的有益利用。该愿景协调现有的 CWA 和其他水资源计划以实现目标。这些计划包括:国家 319 计划的升级、CZARA 的实施、新 TMDL 指南的实施、改进非点源受损水的识别、改进营养物水质标准指南以及 SDWA 修正案的实施。

总最大每日负荷 (TMDL)

根据 CWA 第 303(d) 节的规定,TMDL 计划旨在识别污染源(包括非点源),指定可以减少的污染物量以满足国家水质标准,并在各部门之间分配污染控制责任未达到水质目标的流域污染源。根据该计划,各州必须制定不符合州水质标准的受损水域清单,即使在点污染源已经安装了最低要求水平的污染控制技术之后。

On May 20, 1998 the TMDL Federal Advisory Committee issued a final report which listed a number of recommendations for improving water quality. Specific to agriculture were recommendations that a combination of non-point source best management practices along with existing and new controls adopted for point sources are to be sufficient to meet water quality standards. The report also left it open to States to impose “regulatory” measures to reduce non-point source pollution impacting water quality.

1999 年 8 月 23 日,EPA 发布了拟议规则,以修订、澄清和加强现行监管要求,以根据《清洁水法》识别受损水域和建立 TMDL。由于农业界的关注,对拟议法规的公众评论期延长至 2000 年 1 月 20 日。拟议的 TMDL 规则的目标是在受损水体达到水质标准方面取得进一步进展。涉及新 TMDL 要求的关键农业问题是,它们可能会导致严格的法规,以减少水不符合现有水质标准的地区的农业面源污染。由于《清洁水法》缺乏权威,农业界目前反对对面源污染征收 TMDL。预计该条例将在 2000 年底前完成。