


Much of this scrutiny and negative publicity is unfair. No one can deny China’s positive contributions to global agriculture. Chinese pesticides afford farmers more options for pest control products at competitive prices. This translates into better farm incomes and more sustainable farming operations.



尽管供过于求的活性物质价格较低,但仍有一些非法农药制造商无照经营。这些非法生产商有的没有 ICAMA 注册证书,有的有 ICAMA 但没有生产批准。

解决假冒农药问题,不能靠孤立中国农药来解决,而是要加强对合作伙伴的筛选。作为代表480家农药企业利益的协会, 中国贸促会 收到了许多担心与非法制造商竞争的成员的投诉,我们一直在内部监管这个问题。

Since its standing committee meeting held in Xi’ning in 2009, CCPIA has adopted a series of policies to combat counterfeit products. The committee united with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Custom Department to verify and crackdown on illegal manufacturing activities, aiming to eliminate the root causes of counterfeit pesticides. The committee has also assisted the government to improve the supervision system of the pesticide industry and clearly stipulated that the enterprises that manufacture pesticides for export must obtain production approval and meet the environmental requirements. Since the beginning of 2011, CCPIA has also actively promoted its legal manufacture list to related authorities in other countries, expecting to cooperate with them to close the door for illegal international trade.

