
Earlier this year, The China Crop Protection Industry Association (CCPIA) announced that it would form working groups to regulate the supply of key actives based on global demand so overcapacity would not harm prices and profits (Visit our archives for more on CCPIA’s working groups).

2009 年,许多除草剂(主要是草甘膦)因供过于求而失去了价格稳定性,导致工作组出现巨额利润损失。增加合法公司产能过剩的是非法公司,它们经常与毫无戒心的国外进口商做生意。

在 CCPIA 的最新举措中,其 2,4-D 工作组宣布将开始识别这些虚假组织并阻止它们与中国的其他公司进行交易,并通过通知注册的相关政府机构来禁止它们的国际交易并对农药进行监管。

The working group members include Heilong Chemical, Rainbow Chemical, Wintafone Chemical, Songliao Chemical, which all vow to “stop the supply and business relationship with those companies who sourced from such illegal 2,4-D producers,” according to a statement sent to FCI.
