生活在 CAC 中:配方产品推动中国出口增长

SHANGHAI – China’s 12th Five Year Plan has a long list of recommendations for the chemical industry, including:

1) 通过专注于推动更好定价的优质配方来更好地打造品牌
2) 整合以在全球舞台上创建更强大、更具竞争力的公司
3) 减少污染的设施升级
4) 专注于低毒性活性物质的技术进步
5) Marketing capabilities that matches the country’s output capacity

在上海举行的 CAC 2012 年会议上听取行业领导者的意见后,很明显,中国正在通过自己的品牌、营销基础设施和配方优化将自己定位为在出口市场上更具竞争力。

For the first time, formulated products outpaced technical exports from China in 2011. More than 750,000 tons of finished crop protection products were sold in 2011, according to Dr. Ye Guibiao, director of ICAMA, the Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals for the Ministry of Agriculture. By comparison, China exported about 670,000 tons of technical grade products, which formerly was the industry’s staple moneymaker due to low labor costs, lenient environmental requirements and readily accessible raw materials.

As the price for raw materials and labor has grown, Chinese producers are increasingly turning to finished products to supplement their portfolios. However, technical grade products still constitute almost two-thirds of the country’s export revenue, partly due to stronger glyphosate prices in 2011.

“Value in technical grade is still very high, but volume growth in formulated products signals a clear trend for the optimization of our export structure, which is a good trend,” Ye told a near-capacity crowd yesterday during the opening day of the conference.

China’s overall exports rose 26% in 2011 compared to 2010, and products reached a record 181 countries, Ye said.

“If we want to upgrade our industry, we need to create overcapacity for marketing, and if we work on it, then we will be able to create better pricing, which has become homogenous because of too much competition by low-value producers,” he said. “We must protect our domestic enterprises by promoting our own products.”


In terms of imports, about 80% of China’s imports are formulated products, primarily fungicides, further necessitating the diversification of Chinese product portfolios and formulation optimization.