
Counterfeit crop protection products don’t come from China. OK, maybe they do, but they are not exported as counterfeits. Chinese companies, by and large, export legal products to global buyers, who then use the active ingredients from Chinese formulators to create counterfeit products with new packaging, according to D’Arcy Quinn, director of anti-counterfeiting for 国际作物生命.

奎因引用了乌克兰的一起事件,官员查获了 560 吨据称运往敖德萨的乌克兰黑手党的化学品。大宗活性物质来自不了解买家意图的中国配方设计师。妥善处理这些产品将花费乌克兰 $150 万美元。

如此庞大的出货量应该提醒中国生产商,他们可能没有与可靠的贸易伙伴合作。奎因说,过去三个月在巴拉圭查获了几批货物,总重量超过 100 吨,超过了该国的使用量。

“This issue has nothing to do with international property rights and everything to do with good business practices and transparency in shipping so that we can protect the export market in China,” he says.

CropLife International 制定了一项计划,帮助出口商了解他们的贸易伙伴。该程序包括一个非法买家数据库和一个分析买家资料以帮助确定他们是否合法的模块。