Certis Biologicals 如何在 COVID-19 之后改变其经营方式(第二部分)

在第二部分 AgriBusiness Global 报告, 采访作物保护、生物制品、农业技术和植物健康领域的高管和专家的 10 分钟节目,由 AgriBusiness Global 资深编辑 杰基·普奇,与 Certis Biologicals 国际业务主管 Tarang Srivistava 的对话继续进行。他分享了后 Covid 时代开展业务的一些现实情况、生物农药在他的祖国印度的增长情况、对 2023 年的预测等等。

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ABG:Covid 如何改变 Certis Biologicals 开展业务的方式,转向供应链和物流对话。您的采购是否更加多元化?

好吧,Covid 改变了很多事情。首先,从积极的方面来看,那些年家居和园艺业务增长非常迅速。在内部,我们称其为花园温室业务,而不是生物制品,该业务取得了很大进展,我们看到即使 Covid 现在有所缓和,增长仍能持续。

在供应链和物流方面,是的,存在非常重大的挑战。我们试图做的是首先扩大我们的供应链和物流团队,以便能够应对复杂的情况。我们增加了更多供应商。我们已经解决了包装材料问题。你知道,这些是我们过去从未真正考虑过的事情。而现在我们这些都是现实。棉箱会影响您供应大订单的能力。 Certis Biologicals 必须变得更加敏捷才能应对这些挑战。我们扩大了制造能力。这些年来,我们也迁移到了更新的 ERP。

我认为我们的状态非常好,在 Covid 之后,我们获得了所有关键的经验教训,一直以来我们都在扩大制造、扩大我们的团队以及使用新的 erp 系统。因此,我认为,我们将成为客户更加可靠和一致的供应商。


好吧,发酵确实需要时间。因此,交货时间比传统杀虫剂要长。然而,我认为特别是对于像 Certis Biologicals 这样的公司,我们能够提供更长的保质期,我们能够帮助我们的客户进行库存管理。因此,如果我们能够与他们密切合作,通过一定程度的提前规划和一定程度的库存管理,它会在一定程度上抵消较长的交货时间。

ABG:Certis Biologicals 在寻找全球不同地区的合作机会等机会时,在寻找什么样的东西?在哪些市场?我知道你提到欧盟是最适合的,但现在还有其他非常有吸引力的市场吗?

对我们来说,整个地球都很有吸引力。我们在 50 多个市场开展业务,因此还有很多我们尚未开发的机会。正如我之前所说,新鲜农产品出口市场对我们来说仍然非常重要。因此,摩洛哥、土耳其、南非、智利、秘鲁、巴西以及亚洲、太平洋、泰国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚和新西兰等国家对我们来说是极其重要的市场。日本对我们来说是一个非常重要的市场。我们也非常关注高度监管的市场,


So, coming back to the important point you raised about other than European Union. We are very focused on growth in the Latam region. We cannot ignore Brazil anymore. It’s very, very big. Likewise, markets like Japan are very important, as well as Australia, New Zealand, South Africa.


Indian market is also evolving very fast. We have a product, Delfin in that market, and it has grown probably 4x in just one year. It’s a Bt and it’s delivering consistently high growth. I was there earlier in December, and I saw firsthand how farmers love it, especially against the very difficult to control diamondback moth pest in cabbage and cauliflower. So we are very happy with the support that we are able to provide to grow in India and hopefully, in the coming years we will be able to introduce more products. Mitsui, our parent company has a company in India called Bharat Certis. I serve on the board of that company, and it’s a rapidly growing, very robust company, and helping us deliver the growth that Delfin deserves in that market.

ABG: In closing, I was just wondering if you could just talk about what is your bird’s eye view of ‘23 and moving forward?

Well, I still feel 2023 will remain a challenging year with the high energy costs, the ongoing war in Ukraine, the global high inflation. All those things will have a certain impact in 2023, but I think, as I said, we are well prepared to remain a consistent supply to our customers, because we have taken these past 2, 3 years to expand manufacturing, and you know, develop our IT capabilities to be able to better serve our customers. We have invested a lot in teams, in the supply chain logistics, field development. So for us, 2023 is going to be a very, very busy year. From a regional standpoint we are investing in several regulatory projects which will help us enter markets that we were not in until now, or through label expansions, adding newer market segments for us. So, looking forward to a very busy year, and I hope for everybody else in the industry. Also, it’s a great year.