U.S.: Glyphosate Supply Issues Add to Uncertain Crop Plans

U.S. farmers should consider a multitude of weed control options for the upcoming growing season as herbicide supply issues could linger for months, writes Daniel Grant at FarmWeekNow.

Bayer recently alerted retail partners it may not be able to fulfill some glyphosate contracts this spring.


The company officially declared a “force majeure” event, which is a technical way to describe an uncontrollable incident that prevents a party from fulfilling a contract. Bayer reported a supplier of a vital raw material for glyphosate experienced a “mechanical failure” at a manufacturing plant.

“It’s not great news,” said Jeff Bunting, GROWMARK crop protection division manager. “But, honestly, we’ve been dealing with glyphosate shortages and challenges since late last summer (dating back to Hurricane Ida in August and the closure of a plant) in terms of production.”

Bayer stated the supplier is on track to restore production and it’s sourced additional materials and made mitigation efforts to help manage the situation. The company expects a marginal impact on its annual glyphosate production.

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