AgriBusiness Global: Top 10 Stories from the First Half of 2023

As we reach the halfway point of 2023, there’s been no lack of interesting news stories and developments we’ve been following at We’ve been especially mindful in identifying emerging trends that are shaping the industry this year and beyond. And apparently our audience has taken notice of our due diligence.

Several of our most popular stories in the first half of the year have been “trends” related. From pricing trends within the Chinese agrochemical market, to the growing biopesticides market in Brazil, our editors and contributors have presented plenty of insightful analysis that our readers crave.

So we thought the time was right to look at the headlines that have most caught the attention of readers so far in 2023 — and refresh our memories in the process. The slideshow above shows the 10 most-read stories on in the first half of 2023 in terms of views, unveiled in descending order.