Path to Growth: Opportunities Abound for Crop Protection Markets Around the World

The landscape of the crop protection market is changing in different regions around the world, according to a recent article in AgriBusiness Global DIRECT. In Europe, there has been a significant loss of registrations for important classes of chemistry, leading to the implementation of emergency use authorizations for pest control. This has created potential market opportunities for alternative products in Europe, particularly in the biopesticide and biostimulant sectors.

One major change is the potential for digital and precision agriculture technologies to thrive in Europe, as pesticide reduction targets and variable rate application methods create opportunities for these technologies. Additionally, the article discusses the need for new herbicides to combat herbicide resistance in weeds, as well as the potential for fumigants and seed treatments to control nematodes.

In Central and South America, the biopesticide market is growing rapidly due to high agrochemical pricing, increased pest pressure, and higher planted areas for most crops. The region accounts for more than 20% of the total biopesticide market value, second only to Asia Pacific. The article also mentions the potential for crop protection usage to increase in response to pest pressure in Central and South America.

In the Asia Pacific region, the uptake of genetically modified (GM) seed technologies is expected to increase, particularly in China. This is likely to benefit manufacturers of seed treatment products. The article also mentions the potential for export opportunities for Australian growers due to trade restrictions being lifted between Australia and China.

Another example includes, the Japanese government’s Green Food System Strategy, which aims to reduce the risk associated with pesticide use by 50% and promote the use of drones in pesticide applications. The use of drones for pesticide applications is expected to increase in Japan, creating opportunities for companies to develop formulations suited for drone applications.

Lastly, the article discusses the growth of the crop protection market in India, driven by rising demand for domestically grown crops, increased government support for agriculture, and economic growth. However, the crop area treated with crop protection inputs in India is still limited compared to other Asian countries.

Overall, the article emphasizes the changing dynamics of the crop protection market in different regions, with opportunities for alternative products, digital and precision agriculture technologies, new herbicides, and seed treatments.

Read more at AgriBusiness Global DIRECT.