Stoller Group Unveils New Division in Turkey

The Stoller Group announced on Thursday that it has acquired Izotar, located in Izmir, Turkey, a new division of the company. According to Jerry Stoller, CEO of the Houston, Texas-based Stoller Group, this marks a strategic move for the company, giving it improved access to key markets.

“Turkey provides tremendous strategic advantages in terms of its geographic location and its agricultural potential,” he said. “Our goal is not only to build our business in Turkey, but in key adjacent markets such as the Middle East, the Balkan region, Russia and other Eastern European countries.”

The acquisition will take Izotar to the next level in terms of product portfolio and overall development, Stoller said, adding: “Stoller technology provides the opportunity for growers in this region to take their crop yields to the next level. Stoller will be able now to expand into new regional markets and continue to grow while educating growers, seeking out new distribution and increasing yields for growers in this part of the world.”

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