UPL Mauritius to Acquire Bioquim Group

UPL Mauritius to Acquire Bioquim Group

Jai Shroff, CEO, UPL; photo credit Jake Naughton

UPL Mauritius, a subsidiary of UPL, India is set to acquire 100% shares of Bioquim Group which includes companies based in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, Dominican Republic, and Guatemala.


The deal is expected to be sealed and signed by the first half of 2019.

Bioquim Group is a globally established name in the business of producing, selling and marketing of agro-chemicals and crop protection products with an annual turnover of $20 million.

Being associated with a 30-year-old global corporate giant like the Bioquim Group with its excellent customer relationship and impressive portfolio of technical registrations will help UPL command a stronger presence in the Central American and the Caribbean markets. This would especially benefit the farmers who would gain access to high-end farming solutions from both the companies, according to UPL.

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Source: UPL

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