Reino Unido: Cargill, Eagle Genomics acuerdan un compromiso de plataforma de varios años para acelerar el descubrimiento de microbiomas

Empresa de descubrimiento de conocimientos sobre ciencias biológicas y microbiomas Genómica del águila ha anunciado que Cargill ha firmado un acuerdo de plataforma de varios años para permitir la transformación digital de la I + D de microbiomas y ciencias de la vida en sus ubicaciones globales.

El despliegue de Eagle Genomics mi[datosscientist] platform will initially enable Cargill’s Health Technologies business to organize and synthesize additional insights from microbiome data amassed by the company over the past decade. “By revealing relationships between microbiome data entities and relevant multi-omics data, the platform will further enable Cargill to advance our understanding of the complex association between the microbiome and digestive and immune health in humans and animals,” said Mike Johnson, director de marketing de Cargill Health Technologies.

“Healthy animals, healthy people and a healthy planet are all interconnected,” Johnson explained. “With the advanced knowledge and insights we anticipate generating from our microbiome data, the mi[datosscientist] will allow us to effectively build on our existing suite of health solutions and bring more relevant products to market in this exciting area of functional food.”

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