2010 WOR Country Champions: Central America Region

For more than 50 years Ferquido, whose motto is “Crops’ best friend, ALWAYS,” has been a pioneer in the development of Dominican agriculture, according to the company. Its high-technology offerings seek to maximize production in a sustainable way and preserving the environment above all. Ferquido is committed to the preservation of the environment because “the future of our industry goes hand in hand with this important commitment,” says Isabel Abreu, sales and marketing manager.

Since 1997, the business has registered with the Department of Labor Committee of Security and Prevention of Accidents. It takes charge of security and hygiene inspections across its business. In 2009, Ferquido launched a contingency plan that trains all personnel in the prevention and control of fires, as well as how to respond in the event of an earthquake, hurricane or other emergency.


Ferquido is constantly audited to be sure that its inventory of personal protective equipment is used by employees at all times. Presently the company has implemented a System of Environmental Management promoted by the USAID.

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