Brazil Growers Guaranteed $100,000 Return on Biotech

Insect-resistant corn boosts Brazilian farmers' profits, according to a recent study.

A new report from Brazil’s Associacao Brasileira de Sementes e Mudas (ABRASEM), the Brazilian seed association, found that the country’s average grower of a 50-hectare insect-resistant corn crop has already earned an additional return of up to $100,400 since the technology was commercialized in the country. Over the next 10 years, it projects the same grower will see earnings rise by $324,100 due to enhanced productivity.


With the prospect of the approval of new technologies, greater adoption by growers and enhancements of the existing technology, the total economic benefit from the adoption of transgenics in the next 10 years is expected to reach $118.2 billion, with 82% of this amount going to the grower.

“The case of corn is the most striking example of the leap in profitability and environmental impact that biotechnology can offer to growers. And the impacts of this adoption are even more discernable for small and medium growers, whose competitiveness is improving,” said Brazilian ABRASEM President and farmer Narciso Barison Neto.

The study also looks at the benefits of biotechnology for the environment and the sustainability of Brazilian agribusiness over the past 16 years, since the genetically modified seed was commercialized in the country. It also takes into consideration factors such as water use, diesel consumption, carbon emissions and pesticide use.

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The projected benefit for water use from 2012/13 to 2021/22 is 167.4 billion liters of water savings due to biotech crop adoption.

Conducted by Celeres and Celeres Ambiental, the study has been carried out annually for ABRASEM since 2008. Results are based on field research and interviews with more than 360 growers of soybeans, corn and cotton across the country.

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