

定于 2012 年春季在美国推出的一款新产品是 FMC Corporation’s 国歌除草剂。据该公司称,Anthem 中的主要分子是派罗克杀草酮,它在阔叶杂草上提供接触前和接触后活性,包括藜、牵牛花、羊角草、水麻和绒叶草。

“Glyphosate is a fine product, but it is becoming more tolerant,” says Bob Hooten, FMC technical sales manager. “Growers are finding out that they have to put something down to cover Roundup weaknesses.”

当一整类化学品变得耐受并作为一种使用形式被淘汰时,农民可以使用的产品类型就会受到限制。农民还需要有创新精神,努力防患于未然。然而,Hooten 说,大多数人会等到杂草问题出现并且更难控制。

“Farmers need to start saying ‘If I can make a $7 investment, that could bring me more bushels.’ Then, they would increase their profit,” he says.