Nufarm 提高草甘膦定价诉讼的和解

澳大利亚专利到期的作物保护公司 Nufarm Limited 表示,它同意将解决集体诉讼的金额增加到 $4660 万,以涵盖高于预期的索赔数量。

澳大利亚联邦法院将于 11 月 28 日被要求最终批准 Maurice Blackburn 和 Slater & Gordon 于 2011 年初对该公司提起的集体诉讼的和解。

先前的提议将和解金额定为 $43.5 百万,但受若干条件的约束,包括必须登记和评估索赔的过程。 Nufarm 表示,这一过程导致的索赔数量比之前预期的要多。

“The company is hopeful of the matter being finalized so that it can continue to focus on the business,” Nufarm said in a statement.

According to the law firm Maurice Blackburn and Slater & Gordon, the suit traces back to the steep drop in glyphosate prices from September 2008 and Nufarm’s ensuing failure to adequately warn investors that its business would suffer.