Nufarm 使草甘膦多样化,添加高粱

MELBOURNE, Australia — Following a US $51.7 million loss in the six month period leading up to Jan.1, mostly based on falling global glyphosate prices, crop protection chemicals supplier 纽发姆澳大利亚 据称,它将使草甘膦产品系列多样化 交易室. In its mission to avoid falling victim to big losses coming from an oversupplied and underpriced glyphosate market, Nufarm — which currently sells glyphosate under the Roundup label — plans for more product differentiation within its glyphosate portfolio.

“We’ve started to develop a big focus on differentiating inside the glyphosate portfolio,” Nufarm Group General Manager of Agriculture, Brian Benson, told analysts in a briefing on March 30. “Going forward to really have a good margin position in glyphosate, you’re going to have a differentiated portfolio … The margin difference in these products is quite significant.”

该公司还增加了对高粱种子的参与,最近完成了对阿根廷种子育种和生产商 Sunchales 的收购, Druetto Criadero y Semillero. Druetto 是南美高粱遗传学的大型供应商。 2009年,纽发姆收购 理查森种子 MMR 遗传学,均位于美国德克萨斯州。本森在简报会上告诉分析师,高粱可以产生与玉米相同的生物量,但水分含量较低,40% 正在成为牲畜和人类的重要饲料和粮食作物。

On March 2, Nufarm shareholders approved Japan’s Sumitomo Chemical Company’s 以每股 $14 的价格收购最多 20% 的 Nufarm 股份。 Nufarm 表示,迄今为止已收到 25.25% 全部 Nufarm 股份的承兑汇票。