Rainbow 获得草甘膦+2,4-D WSG 的新专利

Rainbow said its new patent of glyphosate+2,4-D WSG (Patent No.: ZL 200910020722.2) has been approved by China’s State Intellectual Property Office.

The patent covers Rainbow’s method to formulate glyphosate+2,4-D WSG, which shortens the technology process and is economical and safe. “The product is stable and compatible. The production process is economical without waste water, waste gas or waste residues,” Rainbow said.

据总部位于中国济南的Rainbow介绍,该专利解决了单纯使用草甘膦系列产品或2,4-D系列产品的不足,并改善了草甘膦+2这两个ais简单混合物的不稳定性, 4-D WSG 可用于杀死一年生或多年生杂草、莎草和双子叶杂草。也可用于防治顽固和抗性杂草。该产品减少了蒸发或漂移过程,气味更小,适用于转基因作物。

“Guided by the idea that ‘Innovation Changes Future,’ the Rainbow team keep increasing investment in R&D and innovation to cater to market demand. Up to now, Rainbow has already obtained 29 patents, and has over 60 patents under approval,” the company said in a statement.