
A 加拿大皇家银行 (RBC) 最近的报告 呼吁制定加拿大标准来支持碳市场。在过去几年深入研究了自愿市场的复杂性后,我不禁认识到不确定且不断变化的监管环境所带来的挑战。 加拿大.

在我参加听证会期间 加拿大参议院农业和林业委员会 今年早些时候,我就支持加拿大不断发展的碳市场的严格标准表达了类似的观点。我相信,活跃的碳市场可以作为一个重要的工具,向农民提供补偿,并使政策制定者和金融机构能够支持有影响力的活动。问题的关键在于实现明确性——一条符合自愿和合规举措的前进道路,并得到联邦政府的认可。

Agriculture plays a significant role in global greenhouse gas emissions, contributing approximately 10% to Canada’s overall emissions. It also holds immense potential as a carbon sink, actively retaining carbon instead of emitting it into the atmosphere. As the world confronts the urgent need to combat climate change, Canada stands at a crossroads with its expansive farmland emerging as a potent carbon sink. With the potential to sequester between 35 metric tonnes to 38 metric tonnes of carbon by 2050, Canada’s active farmland could play a pivotal role in offsetting a substantial portion of the oilsands’ current annual emissions, making up 40% to 45% of total emissions. The growing voluntary carbon market in the country, still in its nascent stage, could evolve into a C$4 billion behemoth by 2050, promising operators fresh revenue streams and delivering large-scale environmental benefits.


经常被忽视的一个方面是农民对环境管理的宝贵贡献。加拿大农民一直处于领先地位,许多农民在《巴黎协定》之前就实施了气候智能型做法,有时甚至早了几十年。这 加拿大农业食品政策研究所 此前曾强调采用免耕方法对加拿大西部碳损失的重大影响。自 1981 年以来,这一转变显着使各省份从净碳损失状态转变为净碳增益状态。


例如,2020 年,萨斯喀彻温省农民在土壤中封存了 1280 万吨碳。这一成就超过了加拿大所有其他省份,相当于一年减少道路上约 278 万辆汽车对环境的影响。国家温室气体清单由联邦政府每年为《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)编制。

What is ironic is that despite the substantial environmental gains attributed to farmers’ adoption of sustainable practices, both provincial and federal governments have taken credit without reciprocating benefits to the farmers – be it in tax breaks or incentives. Additionally, the 温室气体抵消信用体系2022 年推出的《碳补偿法案》还禁止这些农民参与不断增长的碳抵消市场。这是因为新法规允许 2017 年 1 月 1 日之后启动的项目,这些项目已证明可验证且持久地减少了温室气体排放,有资格获得联邦温室气体信用额。这对于像萨斯喀彻温省这样的省份来说尤其不公平,到 2016 年,该省已有 93% 英亩的农田采用了保护性耕作(零耕/少耕)。

Saskatchewan’s Lieutenant Governor, Russ Mirasty, even outlined the vision for establishing a Saskatchewan-based carbon offset credit program in his 2020 王座演讲。该计划旨在为采取封存或减少温室气体排放做法的农民提供潜在的激励措施。遗憾的是,迄今为止,这方面尚未取得明显进展。

碳市场可以为农民、林农、原住民社区、市政当局和其他项目开发商创造机会,从温室气体减少和清除中赚取收入。例如,生态系统服务市场联盟的创始人包括通用磨坊、麦当劳和嘉吉等食品和农业综合企业,该联盟已经向美国的一些农民付款 表彰他们的碳封存实践。

However, the pioneers in Western Canada face a significant challenge, primarily due to the technical criteria of “additionality” and “permanence.” Given that they have long integrated these practices into their farming operations, to meet the additionality requirement, they must illustrate that their carbon sequestration efforts surpass standard industry practices. Yet, showcasing a distinct departure from their historical methods, especially if the adoption of zero-till farming occurred many years ago, poses a formidable challenge.


尽管如此,像这样的研究 草原土壤碳平衡项目 揭示了碳水平的持续正变化,即使在过渡到免耕或连作实践几十年后也是如此。此外,这些观察到的碳增益比最初预期的更深入地渗透到土壤剖面中,强调了可持续农业方法的重大而持久的影响。


有效的 MRV 系统


强大的加拿大碳市场的实现取决于建立一个测量、报告和验证(MRV)土壤碳和排放的综合系统。这需要私营部门和联邦政府之间的合作。加拿大农业和农业食品部 (AAFC) 以及加拿大环境与气候变化部 (ECCC) 均应制定初始 MRV 框架的发布标准,其中包括覆盖作物和免耕等各种气候智能型做法。然而,找到一致且具有成本效益的 MRV 方法仍然是一个挑战,需要共同努力。

建立国内碳交易所和加拿大制造的碳登记机构是有充分理由的。目前,我们依赖 Verra、气候行动储备 (CAR) 和 Gold Standard 等外部实体。开发本土注册管理机构不仅符合我们的价值观,而且还为我们的企业繁荣发展提供了一个强大的平台,并得到政府支持所赋予的可信度的支持。

It’s imperative to halt the exportation of nature-based credits and focus on adding value domestically, nurturing a self-sustaining and globally influential carbon market.

MRV 框架的必要性怎么强调都不为过,特别是在指导生产者以可承受的价格获得信贷方面。同时,它使买家能够自信地获得积分或将其整合到嵌入计划中。各国政府应探索确保市场价格稳定的途径,为农民和投资者提供可靠和丰厚的回报。

However, the pursuit of a consistent and cost-effective MRV methodology to measure the impact of climate-smart agricultural practices, including cover cropping and no-tillage, remains an ongoing challenge. A well-structured MRV framework is pivotal, providing producers with a clear path to earning credits affordably, and enabling buyers to make confident purchases or integrate credits into their programs. It’s a critical component for the sustainable development of our carbon market.

根据 美国7月公告 投资 $3 亿美元来提高气候智能型农业和林业的温室气体排放和碳封存的 MRV 可以作为加拿大的模板。这项投资将改进数据收集机制并建立算法模型来建立当前和未来的排放基线。它还将确定土壤测试所需的协议,确定可扩展且负担得起的遥感和土壤采样技术,并建立一个全国性的研究网络以改善农场实践。加拿大需要按比例匹配这笔资金,以确保生产商能够竞争。






The current mishmash of provincial and federal policies creates an uncertain terrain for businesses, hindering growth and innovation. It’s time for a paradigm shift — a coherent system, a unified vision where federal and provincial entities work in tandem to establish clear and consistent policies — a system where businesses can confidently invest and build, free from the ambiguity that currently shrouds the voluntary carbon market.

The policies in place also seem to be plagued by a shortsighted “what-have-you-done-for-me-lately” mentality. Yes, improvements are needed, but let’s not forget to reward and recognize the strides made by farmers. We advocate for a carrot-and-stick approach — encouraging more adoption while appreciating and rewarding past achievements.



The agri-food sector’s impact on climate change is both substantial and reciprocal. To secure a sustainable food supply chain, Canada must take a leading role. The cyclical relationship between the health of the planet and the agricultural sector necessitates a commitment to global responsibility. This underscores the urgency of creating a comprehensive strategy that aligns with international climate goals.