Jilin to Set Pesticide Registration System for Ginseng

Red ginseng (红参) roots, photographed in Jilin City, Jilin

China’s Jilin province will boost its ginseng industry significantly in the next five years, and will set preferential policies and a registration system for pesticides and fertilizers of the crop this year, according to an article in China Daily.


Jilin, which produces 70% of the world’s ginseng by volume, aims to gain a larger share of the high-end segment of the ginseng market, pushing the value in 2013 to $4.16 billion, said Bayin Chaolu, acting governor of the province at the first session of the 12th Jilin Provincial People’s Congress.

“The output value of ginseng will reach 40 billion yuan [$6.43 billion] by 2015. And the intensive processing of ginseng products will account for 70 percent of the total,” Zhang Hui, the director of ginseng and deer antler office of Jilin province, said in the publication.

The northeastern Jilin province’s annual export volume is about 20 times of that of Korea, but the revenue is only 1/20th that of Korea’s as it currently focuses on the low-end market.

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